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Chapter 28
My Own Idiocy

A REGRET. The Coronado 4 also presented a 35mm reissue of 2001: A Space Odyssey. That was in March 1980. I dragged my mother along. Why I did that, I do not know. It’s not her type of movie at all. As we were in line to purchase tickets, who should be sitting in the lobby right next to the queue but Mr. Master? The Coronado 4 was his new assignment. My instinct was to say Hi, but I was afraid. That would be opening too many wounds, and I knew for certain that he had heard false rumors about me. You see, he had married Mr. Riot Act’s sister! I was not comfortable, and simply pretended that I didn’t notice him. My mistake. When we were inside the auditorium, I could hear him shouting in rage in the booth about some trivial nonsense. It was my fault. Had I just said Hi, his nerves would not have gotten frayed. If he ever chances upon this tirade of mine, he should feel welcome to contact me. He was a good guy, and I should never have cut him off.

Continue to the next chapter.

Text: Copyright © 2019–2021, Ranjit Sandhu.
Images: Various copyrights, but reproduction here should qualify as fair use.
If you own any of these images, please contact me.